Installing Kerno

Kerno Keys

To install Kerno on your cluster, you will need your Kerno API key

Note: You can request an API Key here during our Private Beta.

Go to, sign up using your email address, and follow the onboarding instructions.


  1. AWS Login: Log into AWS with admin privileges.

  2. Kubernetes Context: Set your Kubernetes current context to point to the desired cluster: kubectl config use-context <desired-context>

  3. OIDC (OpenID Connect) Provider

    An OIDC Provider is required for your EKS cluster to support Kerno’s functionality. This is typically configured for EKS clusters. Since the OIDC Provider can be used for multiple services, including Kerno, we recommend you manage it within your cluster setup.

Installation Steps

Depending on whether you have set your AWS credentials as environment variables or in the .aws/credentials Use one of the following methods:

Using Environment Variables

docker run --pull always \
-e AWS_REGION=<region> \
-e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN \ # omit this if you do not have a session token
-e CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster-name> \
-e K4_KEY=<k4-key> 
-v ~/.kube:/root/.kube \
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \

Using AWS Config File

docker run --pull always \
-e AWS_REGION=<region> \
-e AWS_PROFILE=<aws-profile> \
-e CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster-name> \
-e K4_KEY=<k4-key>
-v ~/.kube:/root/.kube \
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \

Last updated