
In this release, we've introduced several new features and enhancements to make troubleshooting faster and more efficient, along with bug fixes to improve the overall stability of the platform.

New Features:

  • Interactive Service Maps for Issue Resolution: A real-time visual representation of service interactions, showing request flows, error rates, and performance metrics across your system so you can quickly pinpoint issues and identify affected services for faster troubleshooting.

  • Native Stack Trace Support for Java, JavaScript, and Golang: Provides language-specific error tracing, allowing developers to quickly identify and resolve issues in their codebases with detailed, language-tailored stack information.

  • Endpoint Grouping Enhancement: Consolidates and groups similar endpoint URLs by abstracting away dynamic parameters, reducing noise and helping developers focus on identifying problematic endpoints without being overwhelmed by unnecessary detail.


  • Consistent 'Empty Data' Messages: Standardized the 'Empty Data' messages across the app for a more uniform experience.

  • Infrastructure Color Coding: Updated bullet points in the infrastructure details to reflect status-based colors, indicating the health or status of components more clearly.

  • Interactive Graphs: Enhanced graphs to be interactive, allowing for better filtering of errors and events.

  • Persistent Table Sorting: Table sorting now persists throughout a session for a smoother experience.

Bug Fixes:

  • K8s Metrics: Fixed an issue where null usage metric values were not being sent.

  • Missing Resources in Infrastructure Details: Now all relevant resources are displayed regardless of their creation/update date.

  • Issue Details Window Resize Glitch: Fixed a glitch where the chart on the Issue Details page would behave erratically during window resizing.

  • UI Improvements and Minor Fixes: Addressed various small bugs, including UI inconsistencies, incorrect labels, and graph sizing issues.

Last updated